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Thursday 10 May 2012

helloo friend :)

wahh sangat lame ak ta update --'
lupe passward lol ! sengal toi :)
rendu na update , skrg onl pon jrg --'
SPM diz year --'
auchh ase na mnanges je bile dgr 5month lg na hadap spm .
ouh GOD ! :(
dapat exam pape pon ase cuak je skrg nie --'

#doakan ak lulus ..

Sunday 11 March 2012

like-ii ^^,

Thursday 1 March 2012

tenTanG rASa

aku tersesat menuju hatimu
beri aku jalan yang indah
izinkanku lepas penatku
tuk sejenak lelap di bahumu


dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
semoga cinta kita kekal abadi
sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya
tentang cinta yang datang perlahan
membuatku takut kehilangan
kau titipkan cahaya terang
tak padam didera goda dan masa

repeat reff [2x]

dapatkah selamanya kita bersama
menyatukan perasaan kau dan aku
dapatkah selamanya kekal abadi
sesampainya akhir nanti selamanya

Monday 27 February 2012

puihhh !

beb , ak ta hingin lah na tgok num kau muncul lg dlm fone ak ..
so pleasee BLAA ~ 
tak paya txt ak just na ckp  ' congratulation ' a na suh ak jage bf ak elok-ii ! 
ehh watefak !
bf ak , ak tau a jage yg kau na sibuk bagai pasal life ak pesai ?
kau brade ak ke pon ?
taya na bajet tgur org itu ini suh jge tp kau ta terurus ..
takde gune jugak kn :)
uruskan diri sndiri dulu , .
da terurus ko pg kawen then jgn sibuk p kaco life ak or org laen ^^

#ak da ckp bende settle is settle , kau wif life kau n ak wif life ak
  n ak ad ckp jgn perna amik tahu pasal ak dah kan ..
  mne jnji ko uh laki ? jnji paria mmg lah kan . 
  lpas  too nnty muncul kate ak buat stry ni try tu padahal kau sndiri strting die kan !
  padahal kau yg gedik txt ak bagaii , ta malu bodoh !

*da tlg brambuss dry khidupan ak n bf ak  yea .. 
  ak tana ad msalah dsebabkan prngai kau yg mcm tett !

lens ? cantik kan , tp bhaye nokkk

Korang tahu tak bahaya pakai contact lens kat tempat panas, example kat tempat korang memasak satay ke masak benda-benda yang melibatkan haba yang banyak ke?

knp ak ckp mcm tu? hahaha, cuba korang fikir. Contact lense diperbuat daripada plastik, apa akan jadi if plastik terkena haba yang panas? tak ke die mengecut dan PANAS?

                                          [[see , mcm ni a jd if contact lens uh da terbakar]] auchh!!

OK korang tak paham lagi? cube bayangkan plastik panas dalam MATA korang? tak ke gila tuh? sumthin like masa kecik-ii dulu mesti korang pernah main kan? lepas makan ice pop ke korg minum ke korang bakar plastik die n straw kans.. pastu korang titik-titik plastik tuh kat batu . pena tak korang kena plastik tuh kat jari? amacam? boleh bayangkan kalau kena kat mata? auchh !

Oh ya, benda ni tak ramai tahu.. jadi kalau korang rasa nak bagitahu or nak hebohkan kat orang ramai? just SHARE benda ni. mana nk tau bila korang share.. orang yang sedia ada pakai contact lense tak kira la yang sengaja pakai sebab fashion or memang dia rabun tuh sekurng-ii nya dorang tahu keburukan tersebut ok? tolong eh?

*terbce , saja na share :) 
  sheremm jugak a nengox  tobat ritu 1st n last pakai :) 
  taknak pakai da takuts . HAHA

I added cool smileys to this message... if you don't see them go to:

Sign jealous Love, But Do not Over

In a relationship, not one where there are feelings of anger or jealousy because it is customary but notexcessive.

Emotional anger not to control myself because it will only cause cracks in the relationship.

According to expert studies, nearly 80 percent due to cracks in the relationship when feelings of anger asprimary. This happens when every time there is a crisis in the relationship, each partner will start to think tosplit up and find a replacement that may better understand the feelings of the true self.

Sometimes a small problem is magnified when the problem can be solved by talking to each other. But when anger is self-discipline and the relationship ended, usually it happens on the ground there is no match, and understanding was arrived at.

It is true that marriage is on the right hand of God, but we strive to remain with his beloved bride.

 But do not just work one side only. Efforts must be made of both parties to obtain more satisfactory results.

Another is to overcome feelings of jealousy. It is not wrong to feel jealous, but let thrift. It's true love jealous mark but not beyond bounds.

Do not feel useless long established relationships simply lost just because of jealousy on your spouse?

Many will turn to jealousy, but a variety of ways to curb jealousy than to cover living.

There are two steps can be taken to avoid jealousy to control our lives is honest and loyal.

Of course there are things that do not allow us to confess, but to avoid a couple thoughts that is not really better for your frank and honest with their spouse in order to avoid misunderstandings continue.

If honest in pairs, I'm sure he will have faith and maintains that until the end of life.

Loyalty also plays an important role because if we love our spouses, I'm sure we will stick by him.

 If you love someone, I'm sure we know who is in the heart. So, when the pair remember, it is easy for us to refrain from cheating occur in pairs.

You feel beautiful when everywhere we go, ready to accompany him, but he felt bitter when we saw a couple walking together with other people.

Regardless, do not let anger and jealousy too overpowered me. Here's a guide to help us to avoid anger and jealousy, while maintaining the beauty of her relationship with her:

* Do not break promises. 

* Always be honest to her as a woman or a man he hated it when cheated. 
* Let him know he was on a matter of right.
* If he is in trouble, always happy.
* If you are honest, so that she would be faithful to you.
* Do not restrain himself because he wanted freedom.

Thursday 23 February 2012

auch !

kau nak die ke ?
amek a , dpersilakan if die na kat kau lah :)
haha , aku rase ta perlu kots sbb ak ta kn bg die jtuh kat tgn girl yg mulut mcm wtf !
then ta paya na bangge sgt kate die sweet ke ap okayy :)
puji mcm mne pon kau ta kn sme skali dpt die :)
berangan  jela ko smpi tue ekh ,,
da a mulut mcm f*ck ..
start pade ko reka crite jgn mmpi lah ak na baek nan ko weyhh :)
n ta paya na sorokkn topeng kau uh ,,
if talam uh , talam jugak lah :)
dok sebok kata mulut org jahat now mendapat kan weyhh ..
pity at you ! dalah gatay na mmpos .. :)